Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Have fun with template

What is the meaning of template for you all?
For me template is the soul of your blog.If you go blog walking to your friends, you will see the templates. if it's great you will comments and will visit them more often because you like it. Good template is the reflection of the blogger. if the blogger happy they will choose the happy shiny template, if the blogger is sad they will choose lonely or sad template. So it means that, yes, your template is your soul on this blog world.

Many of blogger, like me also, always change their template. I always change the template every month because the feeling is always change, that is special for me because I always look for great template to use it. But also they won't change it if they really like their template a lot, they say it's their unique design.

Well, if you want to have a good and unique design for your template, you can check this SITE. Here, you can create your own if you are creative and have some computer skill. You can check thousands of templates that you want to use and many design firms that will produce them for you.

So have fun with the template and make it great so everybody will enjoy and like to visit your blog.Happy Blogging all!


  1. Bu dhe ngomong bahase bule...ponakan kagak gape.....!!!

  2. its nice dream to have good looking templates...

  3. dalam hal ini si cebong itulah pakarnya, menciptakan templit cewek look....

  4. :s teh linda... jangan lupakan daku ya kalo cair hihi...

  5. traktir ya kalo dah panen dollar...
    btw, apa kabar.. lama ngga berknjung

  6. nice.. well..well.. dont forget to visit gorontalo again........

  7. Betul juga tuh Mbak... Kmrrn dah terinspirasi juga buat ubah dikit2 template...

  8. yup betol..kadang template bisa menunjukkan konten dari blognya. menunjukkan profile pemiliknya dan menjadi cirikhas dari blognya itu sendiri.

  9. absolutely u got the pow wow sista!

  10. template is reflecting the owner so we got to choose our own catchy ones.

  11. ow gitu yaks alasanya teh linda ganti templates..asik dunk..bisa coba2 yg keren en beken

  12. teh...bagi dunk dollarnya ;;) kanyaknya asik tuw ow ow ow :$

  13. tuing tuing tuing... :)) teh cobain es krim diblog aq yuuuksss

  14. ayo..ganti..ganti..
    tapi henny udah dapet yang pas banget nih

  15. dollar was coming............

  16. masih belum minat ganti template nih teh

  17. :@

    ella pusing teh.....pusing..kagak ngerti...ella minta traktirny aja hehhe

  18. ga ngerti buatnya walaupun dibilang easy mbak.
    heeheh :D:D:D::D

  19. Yup template emank mencirikan si pemilik blog, ada benarnya juga. btw, kalo template blog saya gmana mbak...?? dateng yah...piss...

  20. cring cring cring...
    tpi teh, yg punya repeiwan in katanya nipu teh, aku udah ngeri aj nihh

  21. Mbak.., kalau aku males ganti template karena males utak-atik HTML..
    Soalnya dulu pernah nyoba-2 ganti template malah rusak semua hehehe.
    Sekarang masih mikir-2 kalau mau ganti template lagi, apalagi ribetnya harus pasang widget yg seabreg itu...

  22. Lin...aku suka banget ngeliat template ini. kaykanya gak bosen memuji dan memandang nih. kamu ampe eneg kali membacanya. he he he...birunya teduuuh bangett.

  23. @fanny:whaa...aku jadi malu hihihi...
    template ini keknya emang maniis ya


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